Sunday 3 May 2009

Semester 2 Week 5

Ident 2

For the second ident I decided to use the scenery from Ident One, but changed the angle of how it was used to give a different impression to the viewer. For the viewers that recognise the city from the initial ident, I was looking for a reaction of "that city aint safe, whats gona happen this time?"

Well the idea was to have a first person view of someone walking around the city, looking a bit edgy. When a drum kit appears at the top of a building. The drum kit walks towards the camera getting ready to attack...

when all of a sudden Scuzz appears from nowhere and takes the drum kit out.

I decided to use slightly different textures for the buildings during this ident, with more time I would have produced a more run down city to follow on from the first ident.

I discussed during Ident One that path constraints effected what I could do with the camera and objects, so I decided to move objects using keyframes.

With the drum kit I tried to give the impression that it was a living thing. I tried to have the less noticeable features of the kit moving while it was walking forward.

The easiest way to produce the walking sequence was to group each area (such as legs, main body).

For the jump (off the top of the buildings) scene for the drum kit, I decided to use the curve editor. This allows you to produce an animation at a specific speed. An example of this is that it can give the impression of an object bouncing.

To finish the scene I decided to add lights. I wanted them to blend in as best as possible so I added street lights to the scene. I found that using omni lights wasn't enough, so I added atmosphere effects.

To link with the first Ident I came up with a way of The Scuzz sign appearing from nowhere. I decided that the sign should appear onto the screen and take out the drum kit as it edges closer to the camera.

I decided to use reactor to produce this piece of animation. I was looking for a sequence that would see the drum kit get demolished by the sign, but would lead to only the sign being left in the view of the camera. I found that my initial attempt for this scene did not work well. The drum kit appeared to break up before the sign even came into shot. I found that if I adjusted the collision rate that the drum kit would break apart at the right time.

It was also important to adjust the gravity rates on each axis.
I found that adding a glow to the omni light produced a realistic effect.

I then decided that fog should be added for atmosphere. To produce the completed 2nd Ident.

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