Sunday 3 May 2009

Semester 2 Week 4

Ident 1 cont.

The pathway constraint used for the guitar was also added to the camera used for the opening sequence of the ident. For the 2nd part of the ident where the camera is situated within a high building I decided not to use this technaique for the camera.

I found that the pathway restricted where I could move the objects to on the scene. I found that moving the object/ camera using the keyframes was betetr for what result I was after.

For example the camera used for zooming in on the Sign at the end of the ident was easier without a path. This was because the camera kept twisting and moving upside down leaving me with an incorrect shot.

Another technique that was used alongside a camera, was the position constraint. This works in the same way as the path constraint. (Attaching an object to a particular element). Using a target camera, I was able to add the target to the guitar so that the guitar always stayed in the image. This made it easier than using keyframes as it was difficult to keep the camera and guitar in time with each other and also saved time on producing the required shot.

I wanted the Scuzz sign to appear from nowhere, to try and get a shocked reaction reaction. For this to work I had to use reactor.

This was tricky to setup, as I wanted the sign to fall onto the floor and tip over.

To use reactor you have to setup boundaries for how an object should react as the animation goes on. Adjusting how strong the gravity pull on the object would decide how quickly the sign should fall (y axis).
I also had to determine whether the sign should bounce at all as it hit the ground. Adjusting the force on the object along the x axis allowed for the sign to fall forward (revealing the Scuzz sign for the end of the ident.

To add atmosphere to the ident I decided to add fog. I believe this links with the general character of the Scuzz channel.

The music on Scuzz is not always,clear but can be interpretated in different ways. For example, in this ident the main focus appears to be on the guitar but then it switches to the sign that "appears from nowhere" towards the end as it is unexpected to the viewer.

Finished Ident:

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