Sunday 25 January 2009

Week 3

Week 3 Class Activity

Using the low poly modelling I have managed to create a fruit bowl as well as an apple; orange and banana.
Within the first 2 weeks of the blog I described how to produce the apple and the bowl as well as how to add a texture to an object. Below is an account of how I produced the banana.

I found that the banana was the most difficult object to create for the fruit bowl.
First thing I had to do was to produce an arc (Spline) and a 5 sided ngon. To link the two objects I had to first select the arc that I created; go into the compound objects section and select the loft option. Next, I had to select the “Get Shape” option which is also within the compound objects section and select the ngon that I had created.
This gave me a basic shape to work from which would allow me to make an object in the shape of a banana. To modify the shape to make it look more realistic in terms of shape I went into the Deformations section within the modify menu and selected scale.

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