Tuesday 27 January 2009

Semester 2 Week 1

Week 1 Class Activity

The intial task was to research about Broadcasting Idents. They are the short advertisments that are used between programmes so their is no blank screen.
A broadacasting ident that is memorable to me is the BBC One "Skate boarding" ident. This is because it is easy to memorise, it is relaxing. The series of idents shows the different type of people and cultures that the BBC are trying to aim their station towards. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcone/downloads/


Music Involved - style of music (calm, quick tempo, rock, heavy)
Cultures - peoples different backgrounds taken into consideration
Clear channel advertisements (logos)
Mood - what style of channel (BBC relaxing and laid back, whereas Scuzz music channel is in your face and has a dark/ gothic feel)

The channel that I have decided to design a set of idents for is Scuzz. It is a music channel aimed towards people that enjoy heavy metal and rock. The target audience age is between 14 to 30 years of age.
The colours that represent the channel are dark and grungy (black, silver, dark yellow, brown).

A similar music channel is Kerrang, an ident used for that is:

All the idents are recognsable and link together using the same characters and the way they display their logo.

Keeping my idents recognisable and so that they all link will be important to making it successful

A selection of photos that I believe represent the mood TV Channel Scuzz are:

These images represent the music displayed upon Scuzz. It can come across as dark and scary. From this an idea that I have is to produce scenes that have alot of atmosphere within them. The atmosphere that I believe will work best is scary.
Possible efefcts that could be used are fog, or fire. The natural surroundings could be narrow with an attention to detail Using the surroundings. Such as the trees in the above moodboard to add effectiveness.

I have also reserached what I believe the character of the Scuzz channel is.

I believe that these images represent the character of the Scuzz TV Channel. Its a forceful channel, getting a variety of music out to a large target audience.
It produces a number of emotions with the loud and outspoken bands often appearing upon it.

This has made me think of producing characters that are "In your face" that stand out from the scene and hard to miss.

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