Sunday 25 January 2009

Week 8

Week 8 Class Activity



For August I decided to produce a beach sunrise scene.

The sand was produced using a Box Object and Noise Modifier.

The “strength” number determines how much deviation there is along the axis.

For the texture I decided to use a photo of sand that I took to add to the object.

The sea was created in the same way as the beach but using stronger settings to produce a harsh rippling effect.

I decided that the sea should resemble the sunrise. This meant that the sea should contain shadowed areas. For this reason I decided to use the “Flat Mirror” map alongside the “Bump” Material, this would allow for areas to be darkened if there was no light getting to it.

The “Noise” map allowed for more defined shadows where the ripples were and where the sun would not hit.

The background was added to the scene in the rendering options. This allows for premade images to be loaded as a background.

The texture of the sand was created (like the sea) to contain shadows from the rising sun.

This meant there would be a gradual decrease in the image brightness (left to right).

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