Sunday 25 January 2009

Week 6

Week 6 Class Activity


December Continued.

I decided to add two candles on top of the fireplace and also added lights to the scene.

For the candles I used the Cylinder Object Tool and Soft Selection to manipulate the objects form.

The fire was created using “atmospheric apparatus”.

Using the “SphereGizmo”, I setup the fires basic shape. I had to use a hemisphere shape, otherwise I would have been left with a ball of fire which is not what I wanted.


Ball of fire

I then had to choose the settings for the fire such as colours; size and amount of smoke.

Many of the settings will affect how natural the fire will look and how long it will take the system to render the image.

For example, the higher the number for “Flame Detail” the more natural the fire would appear but would take longer to render. I was able to produce a fire that looked like this:

I next used the line tool to produce the stockings and used the extrude modifier to produce a 3D appearance. The MeshSmooth modifier then allowed me to produce a smoother result

Textures for the brick on the fireplace and the wooden floor were produced within Photoshop and imported.

For the fireplace I decided to create a marble texture.

The smoke map gave me the most realistic marble texture, by adjusting the settings I was able to produce a realistic result.

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