Sunday 25 January 2009

Week 11

Week 11 Class Activity

For my January scene I have decided to show the reflection of a firework display within a house window with snow outside. This is to resemble to celebration of the New Year as well as the weather that often gets associated with this time of year.

I decided to use the Box Object tool to create the walls of the house, the window wholes were produced using the Boolean tool.

The window glass was produced use the Plane object tool. The Reflections and transparency to make it resemble glass were produced using the material editor.

This allowed for a slight reflection of the snow within the window. The firework reflection is set within the window material; this is because I couldn’t get the window to reflect an image loaded onto an object within the image.

The snow was produced using a box, soft selection as well as the noise modifier.

The snow texture was created within the material editor.

The pink within the material was added to resemble an affect from the fireworks going off.

The house wall of the house had a premade texture imported and edited within the material editor.

After adding a table (produced with the box object tool) I rendered the scene.

1 comment:

Jonathan Smith said...

I like the idea for January and I like what you did with the reflections in the windows. I also like the finer details such as the interior.