Wednesday 26 November 2008

Week 2

Week 2 Class Activity

Low poly modelling continued.

This week I was able to produce a bowl for the fruit to sit in as well as learning how to use some modifiers.

For the bowl I had to use the Line tool with a Lathe Modifier.

I found that I had to adjust the pivot point to the drawn object otherwise the Lathe tool would not create the correct shape.

Incorrect shape:

Correct shape & Pivot point:

By using the “Select & Uniform Scale option, I was then able to adjust the object into a realistic bowl shape. The problem was that the edges looked rather square.

To get round this I used the Smooth modifier. This allowed me to adjust how square or round I wished the object to appear.

I found that the higher the “Threshold”, the smoother an object would appear.

Week 1

Week 1 Class Activity

The purpose of this blog is to guide you through what I have learnt within the first 12 weeks of using 3D Studio Max. To start off with I will learn basic editing methods to produce a fruit bowl. Then, for my main project I will go on to produce 3 images that resemble 3 different months of the year.

Low Poly Modelling

I first learnt how to use the object tools, deciding to use a Sphere to resemble an apple.

By converting the object to a editable poly I was able to adjust the shape of the sphere to make the apple more realistic.

By adding a soft selection option I was able to edit the object without many square parts to the apple.