Thursday 30 April 2009

Semester 2 Week 3

Ident 1 - Guitar

The initial idea for this ident was to have a camera moving around city. But notices an odd figure just behind a building.

the camera jaults and looks into a reflection of a building to see a figure similar to a guitar. As the camera runs towards the guitar it turns and runs behind buildings. (the scene fades out)

to long shot from the top of a building overlooking the city. In the distance the guitar is running around kicking debris everywhere. Suddenly a gun appears alongside the camera and shoots the guitar.

The guitar then collides with a building causing a sign to fall down. When the sign hits the floor it reveals the "Scuzz". The ident finishes with the camera zooming into the sign.

The building outlines were produced using a plane and extruding different areas. This gave a skyline effect.

Many textures for the scene were produced using Photoshop, and enhanced within 3DS. Such as...

The glass building. I wanted to produce a reflective building within the scene. I had produced a map within Photoshop to resemble the window panes and added raytrace to do get the required texture.

A Brick texture was produced using Photoshop and filter techniques and was applied to another building. Adding noise produced an uneven surface, but was removed after the initial render as the quality within the video was poor.

Similar techniques were used to produce other materials for buildings for the ident layout. Once these were complete I decided to produce the guitar character.

The feet were produced using cylinders and hemispheres. The main body of the guitar was produced using the line tool. This allowed me to produce the basic outline of the guitar. Once i had converted it into an editable spline I was then able to extrude the line to produce a 3 dimensional object.

From here I used my first piece of animation. This was to make the guitar appear to walk. To do this I had to use use the "set key" function on the timeline. By adjusting the feet at different points on the timeline it produces a walking action. 3D studio automatically produces the movement for the change in position between each keyframe.

The next part was to produce a sequence of events that would give the impression that the guitar was running around buildings.

To do this I decided to add a path constraint to the guitar.

The path was produced using the line tool. I then had to attach the guitar object to the line (Animation>>Constraints>>Path Constraint)

The rpbolem with this was the guitar wouldnt face in the direction of where the line was going. By checking the "Follow" option I managed to get round this Problem.

To give the reflection of the guitar on the building in the scene the guitar had to stay in one place long enough for the camera to reach it.

By using keyframes i was able to keep the guitar in a single position then turn and run when required (see completed animation).